
Slovenia Chosen to Setup Semiconductor Competency Centres

According to the Slovenian Government’s latest official dissemination, the country has been chosen to set up chip and semiconductor competency centres.Slovenia Competence Centres To Create Chip, Semiconductor

Additionally, the centres will offer assistance, training, and access to major infrastructural resources including design platforms and pilot lines. The Slovenian consortium was chosen to carry out the activities of the chips and semiconductors competence centre after the Ministry of Digital Transformation helped them submit a successful application to the European call for proposals.

The University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering is the consortium’s principal partner in Slovenia. The University of Nova Gorica, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Centre of Excellence in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology – Nanocenter Ljubljana, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor are also part of the consortium.

Each centre will focus on particular critical technology areas and take advantage of regional and national advantages. Long-term investment in local knowledge and a persistent push for innovation and expansion are guaranteed by this strategic focus.

The competence centres will support the European semiconductor sector and cater to the unique requirements of regional ecosystems by being integrated into a European network.

Slovenia is one of the 27 semiconductor competence centres chosen by the European Commission from 24 Member States.

The centres will offer crucial resources for the creation of semiconductor solutions, especially for start-ups and SMEs.Slovenia Competence Centres To Create Chip, Semiconductor

The competence centres will support the European semiconductor sector and cater to the unique requirements of regional ecosystems by being integrated into a European network.

The news has been fetched from Official Website and can be found here

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