
Sequans, Soracom Avail Joint EVKs For IoT Application Developers

Sequans and Soracom declared their collaboration expansion. Through the provision of evaluation kits (EVKs) fueled by Soracom’s worldwide IoT connectivity, this partnership seeks to streamline the development of IoT projects.Soracom EVKs Developers, Sequans LTE-MNB-IoT, Cat 1bis the volt post

Now, Soracom’s worldwide connectivity and Sequans’ cutting-edge LTE-M/NB-IoT and Cat 1bis technologies are available to IoT application developers.

The EVKs Are Available in Two Variants:

  • LTE-M/NB-IoT (Sequans Monarch2 GM02S EVK): This second-generation LPWA technology from Sequans features ultra-low power consumption and a compact form factor, making it ideal for applications such as smart utility meters, industrial sensors, health and fitness trackers, and more.
  • LTE Cat 1bis (Sequans Calliope2 GC02S1 EVK): Featuring Sequans’ leading Cat 1bis technology, certified in North America and Europe. It can operate on any LTE network worldwide, ideal for deployments that require global coverage with cross border connectivity, such as connected vehicles, logistics tracking systems, and telematics.

With a Soracom global IoT SIM card preloaded with connection for a maximum of three months, each kit gives users access to cellular service in +170 territories, including 51 for LTE-M and 35 for NB-IoT.

Additionally, they gain access to the Soracom portfolio of connection solutions, which includes tools for remotely managing IoT devices, securing deployments, and sending data straight to cloud functions.

Leadership Comments

“At Soracom, we are focused on helping developers and enterprises bring their IoT projects to life quickly and efficiently,” said Takashi Serizawa, Head of Europe Region at Soracom. “By expanding our collaboration with Sequans and offering these EVKs with Soracom connectivity, we’re removing friction from the development process and enabling our customers to test, iterate, and scale their IoT solutions with ease.”

“We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with Soracom and provide developers with the tools they need to launch their IoT solutions quickly and efficiently,” said Olivier Pauzet, Sequans EVP of Marketing and Strategy. “The combination of Sequans’ hardware and Soracom’s connectivity creates an effective and efficient solution that can make scaling an IoT deployment easier by ensuring a smooth transition from the evaluation stage to full deployment.”Soracom EVKs Developers, Sequans LTE-MNB-IoT, Cat 1bis the volt post


These EVKs are available through Sequans’ presence on global distribution channels such as Digikey and Mouser.

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