The USB Type C connector line from Sky’s Interconnect Group has been expanded with the addition of several new waterproof and power-only variants. With IPX5, IPX6, IPX7, or IPX8 ratings, the UJ family now offers waterproof USB receptacles that are perfect for applications where moisture is an issue.
Additionally, new 90 W power-only USB Type C outlets with IPX5 ratings are included in this new USB Type C connector line. The UJC versions are a more affordable option for designs where charging or power is the only function because they do away with the data transmission ports.
This USB Type C connector line expansion comprises versions that meet USB 2.0 and USB 3.2 Gen 1 standards, with power output up to 240 W at 48 V and 5 A, outside of the power-only connectors.
These USB Type C receptacles, which come in surface mount packages that can be oriented vertically or horizontally, have a high level of dependability lasting up to 10,000 mating cycles and can operate between -40°C and 85°C.
Most models are compatible with reflow solder, such as the following IP certified components that use UV-glued O-rings that can survive temperatures associated with reflow solder:
- UJC-H-G-SMT-1-P6-TR-65
- UJ32-C-H-G-SMT-4-P24-TR-68
- UJ20-C-V-G-SMT-P16-TR-66
- UJ20-C-H-G-MSMT-P16-TR-67
- UJ20-C-H-G-SMT-P16-TR-67
The UJ20, UJ32, and UJC models are available immediately with prices starting at $0.84 per unit at 100 pieces through distribution.
For OEM pricing of Same Sky, CLICK HERE
For Further Info on Waterproof USB Connectors, CLICK HERE
For Further Info on Power-Only USB Connectors, CLICK HERE
Availability: Stock to 6 weeks
Appliactions: Consumer and portable electronics
Primary features: Variety of IP ratings, 90 W power-only options
Cost: $0.84 per unit at 100 pieces through distribution
For Further Info, CLICK HERE