The amount of e-waste produced worldwide is steadily increasing, which presents major risks to both the environment and human health. Every year on January 24, Circular Electronics Day is observed to increase awareness of this growing issue and to encourage sustainable activities like longer product lifespans, more sustainable production, repair, secondhand purchases, and responsible recycling. Businesses and consumers are empowered to take action by this program.
Millions of electronic devices are discarded annually because they break, become outdated, or are just convenient. An estimated 82 billion kilograms of e-waste will be produced yearly by 2030. Since e-waste is the world’s fastest-growing solid waste source, it poses a significant threat to human health and the environment, underscoring the significance of #CircularElectronicsDay.
An international campaign called Circular Electronics Day promotes sustainable methods for the manufacture, use, and recycling of electronics while highlighting the negative effects that e-waste has on the environment and society.
Electronics play a vital role in our everyday life, from laptops and cellphones to many other gadgets. However, we frequently discard them much earlier than is necessary.
The global e-waste problem is made worse by treating these things as disposable, according to Andreas Nobell of TCO Development, a founding member of the Circular Electronics Initiative, the group that organizes Circular Electronics Day.
“In order to cut waste and extend the life of our gadgets, we are urged by Circular Electronics Day to embrace more intelligent and sustainable solutions. Every little step matters.
Here are five practical strategies to improve the sustainability of electronics habits in honor of Circular Electronics Day:
- Refuse and reuse: Consider whether replacing your current device is truly necessary. Extending the use of electronics is the most effective way to reduce their environmental impact.
- Care, repair, and upgrade: Protect your devices from extreme temperatures and handle them with care. Opt for repairs and upgrades whenever possible to extend their lifespan. Every extra year a device stays in use significantly cuts down on its overall impact.
- Buy second-hand: The second-hand market for electronics is thriving. Buying or selling used devices extends their lifecycle and reduces waste.
- Choose durable products: Invest in devices designed for longevity and circular flows. Look for sustainability certifications and durable design.
- Refurbish, remanufacture, or recycle: Consider a refurbished or remanufactured product when possible. When the products are beyond repair, don’t let them collect dust in a drawer or end up in the trash. If the product has reached its end of life for one user and it is not possible to reuse or sell them, send them to an extended producer responsibility scheme, an electronics recycler or a remanufacturer/refurbisher where they will be handled responsibly to recover valuable resources, and minimize environmental harm.
Remember to encourage worldwide recycling as well. Think about the wider effects in addition to recycling your own electronics. Due to inadequate recycling facilities, electronics wind up in landfills in many nations, endangering the environment and nearby communities.
Encourage programs that encourage the collection and recycling of e-waste in these areas and contribute to the development of a more global and inclusive recycling strategy.