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ASDC, CBSE Announces NAO 2024 For Young Talents in Auto Industry

The Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC) and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)  announces the National Automobile Olympiad (NAO) 2024, an ambitious initiative to stimulate young minds and promote an understanding of the automotive industry. This nationwide celebration of the automotive industry’s innovations and job prospects is a big step in introducing youngsters to the fascinating world of cars.ASDC, CBSE New National Automobile Olympiad (NAO) 2024 the volt post

The goal of the NAO 2024 is to raise young knowledge and passion for India’s growing automobile industry by including students from grades 6 through 12 from various educational boards.

Aiming to be a historic occasion, the Olympiad is available to all kids, regardless of age, and will be held in both Hindi and English to guarantee broad accessibility and inclusion. So far, registrations have surpassed 850 schools.

FR Singhvi, President of ASDC, commented on the launch, stating, “Automobile industry is considered to be the mother of manufacturing. With ongoing innovation and diversification, we are witnessing a shift from a focus on automobiles to a broader emphasis on the mobility sector. The National Automobile Olympiad is more than just a competition; it is a gateway for the children to understand and appreciate the dynamism and technological evolution of the mobility sector. The mobility sector demands such a diverse range of skills that students from any field can enter and thrive in it. Through this initiative, we aim not only to educate but also to ignite passion among students, potentially guiding them towards promising careers in this crucial sector of our economy.”

Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director (Skill Education) at CBSE, added, “The collaboration between CBSE and ASDC for the National Automobile Olympiad 2024 is a testament to our shared vision of integrating industry-relevant skills into the educational framework. This event offers a unique platform for students to explore and engage with the automotive sector, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and innovations that define this field. We are excited to see the enthusiasm and talent that the Olympiad will undoubtedly reveal.”

Mr. Vinkesh Gulati, Vice President, ASDC, remarked, “At ASDC, we want to inspire students to think automotive as a major field. Mr. Saha’s support in this endeavour has always been valuable to us. With the NEP coming into existence, students will be having multiple fields to choose from and We hope we can make a difference in the future career prospects of these children.”

A wide range of young enthusiasts are welcome to register for the NAO 2024, which will take place from July 31st, 2024, and explore the mechanics and technologies that power the automobile industry.

With the increased interest in automotive technology and its implications for the future, it is anticipated that this educational endeavor will garner a substantial amount of involvement.

The Olympiad is set up to provide participants a thorough introduction to a range of automotive-related topics. Participants will have the rare chance to interact with professionals, learn about jobs in the automotive sector, and hone critical skills that are pertinent to the field. The competition’s broad reach, which includes a wide range of educational institutions, demonstrates ASDC‘s dedication to advancing industry knowledge and skill development at the local level.

The automotive sector is undergoing continuous change due to technological and sustainable improvements. Projects like as NAO 2024 are essential in equipping the future generation of professionals to tackle and overcome these difficulties. This partnership highlights a common goal of educating young people in India by bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical industrial experience.

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