The popular Oscilloscope Days event, which will return in April 2025, offers insight on how to stay ahead in a world that is becoming more electrified and digitalized as well as crucial information to help design engineers with everyday test issues. The two half-day virtual event consist of interactive talks with Rohde & Schwarz experts and event partners, application-focused lectures, and online theoretical and practical training.
Over the course of two half days, from April 2 to 3, 2025, Rohde & Schwarz will organize its well-liked Oscilloscope Days event once more. The event will take place virtually and will once more utilize the experience of Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscope experts as well as longtime event partners PE Systems and Würth Elektronik. English streaming will be available for the live event.
This year’s event acknowledges that engineers must increase device capability while reducing weight, size, and power consumption while maintaining ongoing compatibility. Professionals will provide instructive explanations of how to accomplish these objectives with an oscilloscope and well chosen probes and accessories.
A keynote address outlining the interdependencies across semiconductor technologies to maximize an electric power processing system’s performance while maintaining product compliance will kick off the first day of Oscilloscope Days 2025. Wolfspeed’s Leonardo Montoya will describe how developments in power semiconductor devices and innovative microelectronics are closely related. Along with outlining a clear plan for overcoming obstacles, he will examine the important ramifications for system-level integration.
A presentation on selecting the optimal oscilloscope and probe for a given application will follow the first day. Topics covered will include digital trigger systems, acquisition rates, and the necessary bandwidth and sampling rate. Additionally, Rohde and Schwarz will go over the basics of probes, such as the many kinds, how to connect to the DUT, how it affects the signal, and how to read it.
Following that, experts from Würth Elektronik and Rohde & Schwarz will address delegates on important topics including addressing AC losses and overcoming obstacles while testing Wide Bandgap (WBG) devices, like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN).
The WBG workshop will concentrate on selecting the appropriate equipment for test problems including isolated gate drives, wideband current measurements, and greater current and voltage slew rates.
The best practices for isolating measurement equipment and determining the necessary isolation level will also be covered in the presentation. Lastly, the advantages of employing an optically isolated probe for both current shunt and high-side measurements will be discussed.
The second day of Oscilloscope Days 2025 will begin with a thorough examination of power inductor saturation and the use of the many features offered by the Rohde & Schwarz MXO oscilloscope, which has a high bandwidth, a quick sample rate, precise current measurements, and waveform analysis.
Presenters from PE-Systems and Würth Elektronik will examine the impact of core material and construction as well as the consequences of varying temperatures. They will go on to discuss how double pulse testing, particularly in power electronics, can be used in a model-based approach to produce reliable designs in brief development cycles.
NRZ (Non-Return-to-Zero) and PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) signal integrity analysis in high-speed digital systems will be the subject of live demonstrations later that morning. Advanced test solutions for PAM analysis will be covered, along with equalization and embedding as ways to maximize signal fidelity.
In-depth discussions of electromagnetic interference (EMI) debugging, pre-compliance measurements, and procedures that no longer require costly and time-consuming execution will be covered in the last session.
In a hands-on demonstration, Rohde & Schwarz professionals will examine common tools and methods that can help detect and promptly address EMI problems, resulting in lower expenses and increased productivity. Additionally, an example of doing emissions pre-compliance measurement with an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer will be provided.
Leadership Comments
Philip Diegmann, Vice President Oscilloscopes at Rohde & Schwarz, said: “We are pleased to work closely with our partners to ensure events like Oscilloscope Days take place, so that the latest knowledge can be shared with the design engineer community and help support everyday tasks. These two days will focus on the fundamentals for those new to the profession as well as the latest techniques and technologies for more experienced engineers who are tasked with having to meet an ever-wider range of measurement challenges.”
For Further Information And To Register For The Oscilloscope Days 2025 Event: CLICK HERE