About PicoScope SDK
SDK makes PicoScope go beyond just being a regular oscilloscope. Pico products come with a free-of-charge Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK includes drivers for Windows and, for most products, macOS, Linux and Raspberry Pi (ARM7) that give full exposure of the instrument hardware via the Application Programming Interface (API).
Step1: Download and install PicoScope 6 and SDK
Step2: Download and run code examples in github pages
It allows customers to write their own software to control the instruments with popular languages such as C, C#, C++ and Python. Code examples are hosted on the Pico Technology GitHub pages and there’s a lively Forum where users exchange ideas and knowledge about programming their devices.
The SDK can also be used to interface Pico instruments with popular analytical and test automation packages such as MathWorks MATLAB, NI LabVIEW and Microsoft Excel.
PicoScope and other Pico instruments can be connected to MATLAB with Instrument Control Toolbox™ running on the same PC. MATLAB can be used for analysis and visualization of the acquired data. Engineers can progress to create test automation applications and verify hardware designs through statistical analysis of measured data: “Hardware in the loop”.
Then the customers can start their own programming on PicoScopes based on the code examples easily.
Figure 1 Power Management System
Figure 2 Tattoo Removal Machine&Golf Club Verification Tool
Figure 3 Vehicle CAN/LIN Checking System
Application examples of SDK
PicoScopes are popularly used in OEM/SI area because of the unique advantages like small size, low cost, high performance as well as the powerful SDK. Figure 1 ~ Figure 3 below shows some application examples of PicoScopes in power industry, vehicle industry etc.
For more information email: pico.asia-pacific@picotech.com