DigiKey will sponsor Formula Bharat 2025, India’s Formula student competition, which will take place at Kari Motor Speedway from January 22-27, 2025. Formula Bharat is an engineering design competition in which students from colleges and universities across the country compete with life-size Formula-style racing vehicles.
The competition requires students to design, determine cost and marketability, and ensure dynamic performance.
The Formula Bharat 2025 replicates the global student Formula series, which is hosted in 11 countries annually. Formula Bharat competition pushes students to gain hands-on, practical experience implying engineering theories from the classroom.
Management and Teamwork are key ingredients inculcated during this competition. Here, the participants build a new vehicle from scratch each year and seek sponsorship and donations to fund their projects.
As a Gold Plus Level Sponsor, DigiKey will be giving away rulers and pens during the event.
Key Comments
“We are honored to sponsor Formula Bharat and happy to help foster and support next-generation engineers,” said Y.C. Wang, director of global academic programs at DigiKey. “It is also an opportunity for us to interact with highly motivated students and observe their race cars in action. We’d love to share with them about our tools, products and resources that enable their designs.”