
Rohde & Schwarz Demystifying EMC Event 2025 Returns!

In 2025, Rohde & Schwarz’s popular Demystifying EMC event will return to give the EMC community the most up-to-date educational insights. The event will cover a wide range of subjects, including EMI debugging, compliance testing, calibration, updates on the newest standards, and much more.Rohde & Schwarz Demystifying EMC event 2025 Coming Soon the volt post

It will take place over two half days and feature live interactions, customized sessions, and hands-on workshops from Rohde & Schwarz and partners.

The virtual Demystifying EMC 2025 event will include sessions in two important EMC disciplines: emission and immunity testing, with an emphasis on getting back to the fundamentals. On February 11 and 12, Rohde & Schwarz will conduct engaging talks and hands-on workshops that will give detailed instructions on how to get ready for and carry out electromagnetic compatibility tests.

Arthi Krishnamurthy, EMC Segment Manager at Rohde & Schwarz will open the event of both days: “For DEMC 2025 we decided to go back to basics in order to demystify the discipline of electromagnetic compatibility testing. This event will enable attendees from around the world to network with the EMC community on essential topics in the industry today. As well as having access to the latest updates on CISPR, IEC, RED, ETSI, ISO and MIL standards, delegates will have the opportunity to explore new technology trends and developments in EMC testing. Whether you’re new to EMC or have been in the industry for a while, this is an event not to be missed.”

On the emission side, professional presenters will cover CISPR standard changes and testing issues in IoT, medical, automotive, space and military applications. Rob Kleihorst, System Designer, EMC lead Image Guided Therapy-Systems, Philips Medical, will present a session on “Navigating EMC risk management for large safety critical medical devices.” Patrick Mayer, Product Manager EMI Receiver, Rohde & Schwarz, will discuss “Challenges for emission measurements in the modern automotive industry.”

Regarding immunity, participants will gain knowledge from conducted immunity testing, IEC standard updates, and troubleshooting test settings. International Sales Manager and Product Manager Imad Qaddi of EMC Partner AG will provide a session titled “Fundamentals of conducted immunity testing per MIL-STD-461.”

Staying on the cutting edge of EMC compliance will be simple with the help of Dr. Ralf Heinrich and Jens Medler, Product Managers at Rohde & Schwarz, who will offer the session on “EMC Standards Update – IEC & CISPR.”

Step-by-step instructions for setting up and carrying out measurements will be provided by practical workshops such as “Efficient emission testing with modern EMI test receivers” led by Tobias Gross, Product Manager for EMI Test Receivers at Rohde & Schwarz, and “A practical approach to bulk current injection (BCI) testing” led by Sean Lynch, National EMC Applications Engineer at Rohde & Schwarz.

Zhang Xu, Platform Director at CATARC (China Automotive Technology & Research Center), will give the keynote address on day two, “EMC testing under dynamic driving conditions.” He will discuss the latest international standards in the automotive EMC field as well as emerging trends in emission and immunity testing requirements.

Additional presentations during the two days include “Multi-functional Tool for EMC labs” by Nathan Reeve, EMC Product Manager at Rohde & Schwarz, and “Staying compliant: the EMC engineer’s guide to equipment with radio functionality” by Feng Xie and Juergen Kausche from Rohde & Schwarz, in association with Michael Derby, Technical Director for Regulatory Approvals at Element.Rohde & Schwarz Demystifying EMC event 2025 Coming Soon the volt post

EMC experts will be on hand to field questions during the event, and representatives Andrew Block from Stryker Medical and Maria Jimenez from INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology in Spain) will offer their knowledge and experience.

In-person events will be held all around the world to support the virtual DEMC 2025 event. Additionally, on March 24, 2025, ten half-day EMC training seminars and laboratory tours will be held at the Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, and all attendees of both DEMC sessions will be eligible to win one of these opportunities.

To Know The Full Agenda And Register for Demystifying EMC event (DEMC 2025): CLICK HERE

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